Last year, over 1 million Americans filed for bankruptcy protection – yet there are general misconceptions about the reasons why people file for bankruptcy. The loss of a job, divorce, poor budgeting, consumer debt, foreclosures, and medical bills are common causes that lead Texans to file for bankruptcy protection. Texans are facing significant financial and economic pressures from modern life and, as a result, many struggle to provide for their families. Now is the time for Texans to learn the importance of managing their finances, understanding those costs, and reaping the benefits of becoming productive, successful adults.
The State Bar of Texas Bankruptcy Law Section presents the Adult MoneyWise program, an opportunity for Texas adults to interact with bankruptcy attorneys, judges, and nonlawyer bankruptcy professionals and learn the benefits of keeping a budget, setting financial goals, and preparing for their future. Adult MoneyWise is a comprehensive financial education program targeting adults and provided at no charge. The program is provided by either a lawyer or nonlawyer professional from your community and is 45 minutes to an hour in length. Adult MoneyWise includes a Flashpoint© presentation with corresponding handouts and encourages adults to explore real-life scenarios involving budgets, planning for college expenses, and planning for retirement.
If you’re interested in scheduling a presentation in your community or learning more about Adult MoneyWise, click on the links on this page for additional information. Texans deserve to be prepared for future financial success.